Vikram and friends

Vikram was a great soldier in the Kingdom of Panna. He served the king well. But When Vikram, celebrated his 30th birthday, the king told him, “you are of no use to me now. You can go.” Vikram had not earned much money by then. So he decided to travel, get a few servants and earn some money

When Vikram was walking by a road he saw, one man called fatty carrying 100 big tress on his nail. Vikram asked him, “I am going to earn money. If you become my servant and come with me, I will give you a portion of the money that we earn together”. That man agreed and went with Vikram.

When both Vikram and his servant went for some distance they saw a soldier standing and aiming his gun at something. But both of them were not able to see anything. They asked him, “What are you trying to shoot.” He replied, “There is a fly sitting on a Banyan tree five hundred miles away. I am trying to shoot its left eye.” Vikram was impressed with this man. Vikram asked him, “I am going to earn money. If you become my servant and come with me, I will give you a portion of the money that we earn together”. That man agreed and went with Vikram.

When Vikram and both his servants walked further, they saw a man called Nosey who was closing one of his nostrils and blowing at something with the other nostril. They asked him, “What are you trying to do? Is your nose blocked.” Then Nosey laughed aloud and told them, “One thousand miles away there are one hundred wind mills. I am blowing with one nostril, so that they will all rotate.” They were all impressed. Vikram asked him, “I am going to earn money. If you become my servant and come with me, I will give you a portion of the money that we earn together”. That man agreed and went with Vikram.

When all the four of them walked further, they saw a runner who was running fast with one leg. He had tied the other leg. They became curious and asked him, “Why are you running with one leg?” he replied, “I run as fast as a cyclone if I use my two legs. That is why I am running using one leg.” They were all impressed. Vikram asked him, “I am going to earn money. If you become my servant and come with me, I will give you a portion of the money that we earn together”. That man agreed and went with Vikram. When all the five of them, they found a policeman who was wearing his cap upside down. They all laughed and asked the policeman, “Why are you wearing your cap upside down?” .The policeman replied,” If I wear it properly this entire place will become so cold and covered with ice and all of you will shiver.” They were all impressed. Vikram asked him, “I am going to earn money. If you become my servant and come with me, I will give you a portion of the money that we earn together”. That man agreed and went with Vikram.

Walking for a long way they reached another kingdom. In that kingdom, there was a king and a proud princess. The king had put a notice that, any body who wins a race against the princess will marry her. If he is defeated he will be killed. Vikram asked him “Can a servant of mine race against the princess?” The king replied that he does not have any objection. The runner servant of Vikram ran the race against the princess. They both were given a pot each. They were asked to go to the blue well, which was one hundred miles away and bring water from the well. The water of the well was blue. The runner reached the well within no time. By that time the princess had not even reached ten miles. So he returned back to about 50 miles. He thought he had lot of time to take rest. He started sleeping. The princess reached the spot. She saw blue water in the runner’s pot. So she kept her pot there, took the runner’s pot and started returning. The soldier who could see long distances was seeing all this. So he took his gun, put a paper ball in it and shot at the runner. When hit by the ball, the runner woke up. He suddenly understood what the princess has done. So he ran fast to the well and took one more pot of water. He could easily return back before the princess

Seeing that Vikram has won, the king did not want the princess to marry him. So he told Vikram and his friends, “I have arranged meals for you in the steel palace. You can go there and take meals. I will give the princess in marriage to you tomorrow. “ When Vikram and friends went in side the steel palace. It was locked from all sides. Big fire was also put all round. Vikram and friends felt it very hot inside. When they tried to come out, they could not. The policeman asked them not to worry and put his cap properly. The iron palace was now very cold. The friends ate their meals and slept properly. The king then sent his army to attack, Vikram and his friends. Nosey felt amused and started blowing through both his nostrils at the army. The entire army flew thousands of miles away

Then the king met Vikram, and told him “ The princess does not want to marry you. So instead of her I will give as much gold as you can carry.” Vikram told him, “One of my servants will carry the gold.’ Fatty was very much amused. He prepared a bag, which was so big, that it could carry ten mountains. All the gold in the king’s palace was not sufficient even to fill one corner. Then the king took all the gold from every one in his country and gave it to Fatty. Fatty using one finger carried even this. Then the king fell at the feet of Vikram and asked him for pardon. Vikram agreed but wanted all the silver and all the diamonds in his kingdom. All the gold, silver and Diamonds were divided equally between Vikram and his servants. They went back very rich to their homes.


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