The donkey, the dog, the cat and the cock

There was a Dhobi in the city of Patna. The Dhobi had a donkey that used to carry all the clothes to the Ghat and back. The Dhobi used to give good food to the Donkey. The donkey also worked very hard. But slowly the donkey became very old and was not able to work. Then the Dhobi stopped feeding the donkey. The donkey felt miserable and decided to go to Calcutta to become a musician. So one day he started walking towards Calcutta. On its way he met an old dog that was weeping horribly .The donkey asked him, “Why are you crying/”. The dog replied, “My master brought me to this house when I was young. He asked me to guard the house at night. I also used to do it carefully. He used to give me good food and cared for me. I also used to like him. But now I have become old. I am feeling sleepy at night. I am not able to catch the thieves. And now my master has stopped giving me food. What should I do?” The donkey replied, “The same thing happened to me. So I have decided to go to Calc...